July 13, 2023 Operation Walk

A Matter of Faith

For husband and wife team, Kathy and Richard Link, their call to service is a matter of faith.

“Growing up in my family it was expected for all of us to give back to our community. When I came to faith it gave me a different perspective of what ‘giving back’ meant. Helping others means the most to me in my life. I want to use my talents to help others and make a difference in the world.”

These words struck a chord with me when I spoke with the Links during a recent phone interview. Rich and Kathy will be joining us on our mission to Arusha, Tanzania this August and they couldn’t be more excited.

Their first introduction to Operation Walk came in 2021 when they were invited to attend our Gala Event hosted by co-medical director, Dr. William Long. They had known of Operation Walk through Susan and Michael Flanagan, Rich’s sister and brother-in-law but were not completely familiar with the organization. They attended the Celebration of Life for founder, Dr. Lawrence Dorr the following spring and something resonated with them both. Rich explained how he was drawn to become a part of the mission.

“I received a copy of Dr. Dorr’s book, Next Step: HOPE: The Story of Operation Walk, and I was inspired by the compelling story of how Operation Walk was founded. It brought into perspective the human scale and interpersonal relationships at the core of the organization. Listening to the stories told during the memorial, of Dr. Dorr’s upbringing and guiding influences, made evident his faith.“

Retiring from a career in accounting and finance, Rich was looking for an opportunity to keep engaged with his community. He joined the board in 2022 and enjoys being a sounding board and a fresh window to view operations from a new perspective.

Kathy was also moved by the memorial service. “A light went on during the service and I began to understand the scope of what Dr. Dorr had accomplished. After reading his book, I knew he was more than an orthopedic surgeon.” Excited by the opportunity to change lives, Kathy has become a member of our Angels group, who donate yearly, directly impacting patient recovery. She also volunteers for our major fundraisers, helping with donations for raffles, silent auctions and other vital components to make each event a success.

When asked why they want to travel with the team on our upcoming mission, their answers were quick and direct. Rich explained, “I would love to experience everything firsthand I have read about in Dr. Dorr’s book.” Kathy echoed that sentiment and added, “I just want to be put to work, to be of service.”

We are beyond thrilled to have them both as volunteers and look forward to sharing their thoughts and experiences after our mission is completed. Thank you Rich and Kathy for making our mission to restore mobility possible.

You can get your copy of Dr. Dorr’s book, Next Step: HOPE: The Story of Operation Walk, which inspired them to become a part of our team.