It all started for me in October 1992. Dr Dorr had the greatest influence on my professional career. I am thankful for how he and Jeri Ward taught me to care for patients as I began my career as a physical therapist at USC. I am grateful for the hundreds of friends I have made as a result of his team and Operation Walk. I am thankful for the opportunities given to travel the world to teach and treat patients and by “multiplier effect”, their families.
It is always my goal to have his spirit and vigor represented with each and every patient I treat. Never dull, never grew tired of treating patients, loved his family and his country, literally changed the lives of tens of thousands of people either directly or indirectly through his surgery or education/mentorship.
Demanding (of self and others )
And the list goes on…
I am certain I would not be the healthcare provider or teacher I am today if not for his stewardship and passion. Fight on!