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Lawrence D. Dorr Operation Walk Scholarship

Continuing the Legacy

In 2018, celebrating the long and storied career of Dr. Lawrence Dorr, donor and Operation Walk Angel Paula Paulus established the Lawrence D. Dorr Operation Walk Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded annually to a fourth- or fifth-year resident in orthopedic surgery who plans to practice in the field of joint arthroplasty. Applicants must have not participated in a prior international mission, provide two letters of recommendation from their current educational program, and write a synopsis of their experience at the completion of their mission for Operation Walk’s literature and social media.

We have been honored to have two recipients join us in the past few years. The first was Dr. Jacob Bobman on our 2019 mission to Havana, Cuba and the second was Dr. Eric Basler during our 2022 mission to Havana. These two surgeons were able to experience operating with and assisting our renowned surgeons, interacting with patients, and participating in a medical mission firsthand. Both young doctors stated that it was an honor to have been given the opportunity to join the Operation Walk team and without a doubt the mission trip they participated in was a life-changing experience.

Notes from our donor Paula:

“I am very humbled for the thanks that each recipient has expressed. All of the doctors selected are true gentleman and most dedicated to their craft. Dr. Dorr would highly approve of them all to date and I’m proud to have been given the opportunity to share in their experience. I thank the doctors and seasoned team members of Operation Walk for welcoming each of the scholarship winners and sharing their camaraderie and guidance. This is truly a life-changing and motivating time for them.”

We are happy to announce our third recipient of this scholarship and welcome Dr. Omid Jalali to our team. He will be joining us on our mission to Tanzania this August. Please see the article below to learn more about him and his journey.

Both Ms. Paulus and the OpWalk team want to keep this tradition alive, giving young, up-and-coming surgeons a chance to experience mission trips and what restoring mobility is like abroad. We are issuing a challenge to help match Paula’s donation up to $30,000. Your donations will help to continue both Dr. Dorr’s legacy and the spirit of our organization. Each donation ensures Operation Walk’s continued support for young surgeons, allowing them to grow, enhance their careers, and give them a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

To donate please give below, call our office at 424-558-8076, or send your check to the below address. If writing a check, please make your donation out to Operation Walk Los Angels and notate “scholarship match” in your memo line.

Operation Walk Los Angeles
c/o Marion Moser
1014 South Westlake Boulevard

Unit 14-1313
Westlake Village, CA 91361

$13,050 of $30,000 raised
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Donation Total: $25