July 13, 2023 Operation Walk

Meet Glenda Flores

We are so happy to welcome the newest member of our Operation Walk Los Angeles Family, Office Manager, Glenda Flores.  

Hello everyone! I’m excited about this new opportunity and grateful to be a part of such a selfless team. My name is Glenda and I am a first-generation Salvadorian American, from Inglewood, CA. I currently serve in the United States Army Reserve and have been doing so for ten years. My position in the Army is as a Human Resource Specialist with an additional job working in postal operations. I am blessed to be able to say that I have traveled to multiple countries, including visiting Central America almost every two years for as long as I can remember. My previous civilian job was as a logistics recruiter for a small staffing company.

I recently had my first child in January, Ezra, and he’ll be 5 months by the time you read this. He’s the light of my life and such a fun, happy baby. My current life involves learning how to navigate between working, being a good mom, and being a good Soldier. Operation Walk caught my attention when I heard that missions had been conducted in El Salvador, which is my second home. It warms my heart to know that there are people willing to dedicate their time and energy to help others in less fortunate circumstances and I’m excited to assist in any way possible. My goal is to learn and help as much as I can and meet great people on the way.