July 13, 2023 Operation Walk

Meet Our New Volunteer: Samantha See

Operation Walk has had a long-standing partnership with Cornell College and its pre-healthcare program, Dimensions. Cornell College being Dr. Dorr’s undergrad alma mater, he wanted to involve students at the ground level, experiencing healthcare in its truest form. We are happy to continue this tradition and educational opportunity during our next mission trip to Arusha this summer. We are pleased to introduce Samantha See as one of our two student volunteers.

My name is Samantha See and I’m from Decorah, Iowa. Currently, I’m a junior at Cornell College, majoring in kinesiology on a pre-nursing track with plans to attend a direct-entry master’s-in-nursing program after graduation. Hopefully, I will be on track to become a nurse practitioner. At Cornell, I’m involved in Greek life, summer research, new student orientation, and a member of the Greek council! In my spare time, you can find me walking, hiking, spending time with friends and family, kayaking, running, or listening to Zach Bryan.

I originally heard about Operation Walk through Dimensions, which is our pre-health program here at Cornell. Although I’ve never been on a mission trip before, I’ve worked as a CNA for almost 3 years now (2 of those years at a nursing home and the last year at a hospital) and I have really enjoyed the work I’ve gotten to do, especially getting to know and care for my patients/residents. At the hospital, I work on the Medical/Surgery floor. I’ve already gained so many skills and found a lot of love in what I do!

Operation Walk interested me because I thought it would be a wonderful and beneficial experience for me to see more aspects of the healthcare field. I’m excited for the opportunity to be a part of the team and I hope this experience helps me grow both as an individual and as a future healthcare provider.