November 13, 2020 Operation Walk

Operation Walk Teams Send Donation To Help Hurricane Eta Victims In Honduras

These past nine months have been hard on everyone and our Operation Walk teams are no exception. Teams had mission trips around the globe planned for 2020 and due to travel restrictions and the COVID-19 pandemic those plans were put on hold. Hundreds of patients anxiously awaiting hip and knee replacement surgery were left in limbo.

Although we cannot travel, our teams are still connected to our partner hospitals, colleagues, and former patients. We stay in contact with them, staying updated on the latest conditions and events in their communities. Last week we monitored the path of Hurricane Eta and watched as it brought devastation to many Central American countries.

Operation Walk Los Angeles, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Carolinas have a strong connection with the Director of the Honduras Orthopedic Institute, Dr. Luis Boquin Orenday. Dr. Boquin has hosted all four of our teams on multiple missions to San Pedro Sula and has provided meals for our teams through the Rotary Club. After hearing of the hardships his community was experiencing, our team leaders joined together on a conference call to decide the best way to help.

Our colleagues and patients in Honduras need help immediately. Sending supplies by air is impossible due to the flooding at the airport in Tegucigalpa and shipping would take up to thirty days to reach those in need. Our team leaders are sending a monetary donation so Dr. Boquin and the Rotary Club can take promptly take action and get relief to those who need it most.

Even though we can’t operate right now, places we travel to are going through tough times like we are. Helping is the right thing to do. Our mission continues. We are fortunate to be a part of an organization that can rally together when our partner hospitals need assistance. We are also fortunate to have followers like you who continue to donate to our cause. Thank you as always for your support.