Ana Maria Sarduy came to CIMEQ in 2019 for relief. Relief from pain, relief from restricted movement, and relief from the burden that joint pain can inflict on a daily basis.
In 2009, Ana was on her way to her work and tripped over a hole in the sidewalk. She landed directly on her right knee. For the next ten years, the pain increased. It was hard to sleep with pain radiating up her entire body. After sleep came, the next morning required extensive stretching to be able to move. She began to be without hope. Finally unable to continue her work as an accountant, she needed something to change.
In 2019, Operation Walk Los Angeles had a mission to CIMEQ and Ana found the help she had prayed for. She had surgery and said that surgery completely changed her life. “There was no pain. I could walk through my neighborhood, walk up the stairs.” But unfortunately, years of compensating for her right knee had done damage to the left. She contacted Operation Walk and hoped that we would be able to return and provide the surgery she needed.
After three years of waiting, Ana got the message of Operation Walk’s return. She was placed on the screening list and cleared for a left knee replacement. She remembered many of the volunteers she had met in 2019 and said it was like seeing old friends. She recovered quickly from her surgery and was discharged in just a little over 24 hours. Ana can’t wait to take her grandchildren to a theme park and is excited for what life has to offer.
Below is a letter of thanks that Ana Maria wrote to both our volunteers and the Angels that allowed her to have both of her surgeries. She wanted them to know that they are forever in her heart.
“I, Ana Maria Sarduy, would like to thank you all because I had my right knee operated at CIMEQ hospital and now, in 2022, I was operated at Fructuoso Rodríguez hospital. And in both operations I felt the greatest joy a human being can feel: being able to walk again.
I want to reflect on the gratitude I feel towards all of you, for what you do on a daily basis for us patients, a labor so humane and beautiful. Keep up the great and necessary work. Thank you for showing so much humanity and love.
Thank you for so much love and humanity. You will always have from me and my family eternal gratitude and our respect. Congratulations, thank you, and blessings.
May God bless you always .”
– Ana Maria Sarduy