Taking a look into Operating Room #2 as Dr. Mark Hanna and his team preform a bilateral knee replacement
RN Paulina Andujo and volunteer, Gabie Campbell walk with two of our patients to their group physical therapy session.
PA Stephanie Tonn, Physical Therapist Kyle Baldwin, volunteer Alissa Young, and photographer Camilla Ward gather for a picture with patient, Martin Noe Teo Lopezas, as he makes his first walk after knee surgery.
Dr. Lawrence Dorr with his patient Rogelio Montepeque after his successful bilateral knee replacement surgery.
All hands on deck! Our team takes time out from what they are doing to help move a patient from the gurney into their bed after surgery.
Volunteer picture for Antigua, Guatemala 2017. During this trip we had 60 volunteers, for 37 of them it was their first trip with Operation Walk.
A look into Operating Room #1 during one of the 47 knee replacements accomplished during our trip to Hospital Santo Hermano Pedro.
RN Ashley Trueblood consults with RN Kelly Twarski before returning her patient to the floor after bilateral knee surgery.
Our eager patients awaiting news about their upcoming surgeries after our patient screening clinic.
Caterino Riz is all smiles as he climbs aboard an ambulance brought by his local fire department to return him to his home over six hours away from Antigua.