Felix Moya Vasquez is a 71 year-old biochemistry professor, father of two children, and grandfather of four. After a car accident ten years ago, he has limited mobility, making it difficult to fully bend his knee. He finds it more and more difficult to walk, even short distances. At work he is was forced to give his lectures seated due to the pain and instability that his injury caused. He feared that he may be forced into retirement because he can no longer carry the course load maintained by his colleagues.

After his knee replacement surgery, Felix was up within a few hours and successfully walking with first a walker, then crutches. The following day, Felix was doing so well, that after practicing stairs, he was able to return home.

Felix is amazed that the events of the past week have happened. He found out about Operation Walk on the internet and never dreamed that he would be chosen for surgery. He says that this knee replacement will touch every aspect of his life. He will be able to have a full-time lecture schedule at the University, visit his daughter and grandchildren because he can now navigate stairs, and will be able to be active doing the things he enjoys like riding horses, swimming, and working in his hydroponic vegetable garden.

He had once thought he would never be able to do the things he loved again because of the pain and stiffness in his knee, but now he thinks all things are possible.