Our first Ozarks Poker Tournament was held on October 20, in Nixa, Missouri. Both Charlie and I have been invested in Operation Walk since 2008 and wanted to share the mission of OpWalk LA with our friends and neighbors here in southwestern Missouri.
With the help of two local businessmen, Jeff Yates owner of the Bank Tavern in Billings and Marc Backes owner of The Ozarks Event Center in Nixa, we were able to put together a tournament hosting 30 players, held a Raffle featuring items from Cuba, the host country for our upcoming mission, and raised $6,500 to support two patients through joint replacement surgery.

Marc Backes, Ozarks Event Center
We cannot thank Marc enough for hosting the event and making everything work seamlessly. An equal thank you to Jeff for helping to see and support our vision of a fundraiser that involved locals from the area, for helping advertise both the tournament and raffle and for sponsoring a table.
Special recognition goes to Deborah, Charles Hedin, Martha, and Tim Rosse for donating their Sunday to volunteer at the tournament and ensure everything ran smoothly. Last but not least, a special shout-out to first-time donors and local supporters for showing us the generosity and warmth of southwest Missouri.

Local Volunteers Tim Rosse, Charles Hedin, Deborah Hedin, and Martha Rosse
Please see the list below for all sponsors and supporters. Thank you to each and every person; with your help, we were able to celebrate our organization, share its mission, and raise money to restore mobility.
-Cami Ward
Social Media Manager
Operation Walk Los Angeles
Dr. John Callaghan
Marilyn Dorr
Steven Lawson
Charlie Ward
JW Fiber Group INC
Dr. John Kumar
Dr. William Long
Dr. Chris Morrison
Mary Ellen Sieben
Jeri Ward
Sam Ward