Los Angeles, CA — At Westside Neighborhood School (WNS), a group of dedicated 7th graders have embarked on a school project called SPLASH, which stands for Solving Problems for Los Angeles’ Society and Health.
SPLASH is designed to identify and address community challenges while making a meaningful impact. This year, my daughter, Madison Yamaguchi, along with school teammates Ethan Chang, Haley Ahir, and Alex Melendez have chosen to support OpWalk Los Angeles as their project.
They began by collecting essential hygienic items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion to support the patients of our next medical mission. Their efforts are not only benefiting the immediate community and Los Angeles but also have a broader global impact. (Madison has been involved for several years contributing post-op toiletry bags for our overseas missions with her basketball teammates, the Venice Ravens.)
The students conducted a site visit to the Operation Walk Warehouse, where they were involved with the preparation of our cargo to the Philippines. They also interviewed several volunteers at the warehouse to gain deeper insights into our organization’s operations.
Highlighting their dedication, they arranged a Zoom meeting with Dr. Gilbert to learn directly from his experiences and expertise.
The SPLASH project is a precursor to the students’ upcoming 8th-grade project, SWIM (Solutionary Work In Motion). SWIM will culminate in a documentary that captures their journey and the impact of their work over the two years.
We are very proud, and looking forward to seeing their documentary next year!
Madison, Ethan, Haley, and Alex are future leaders at WNS who are committed to making a positive difference in society while increasing awareness for Operation Walk Los Angeles.