Tomas Tapanes Bello is a 77 year-old father of two, and grandfather of four. He works as the coordinator at the National Convention Center, organizing expositions, conventions and other social events. Beginning two years ago, he experienced pain in his hips that has continued to increase making it difficult for him to work, navigate stairs, or walk any substantial distance.

Tomas received his hip replacement from Dr. William Long and within three hours of surgery, was standing and using a walker. The next day he was eager to head home, but our physical therapy staff wanted him to stay another day and practice stairs, since there are multiple flights at the convention center. By the second day after surgery, Tomas received the green light to return home. Before he was discharged, he had the chance to meet his surgeon, Dr. William Long. Dr. Long and his assisting surgeon Dr. Maxine Anderson had a photo of the hip that was removed and showed it to him. He was amazed, “That was mine? It was really bad, no wonder it hurt so much!”

Tomas is eager to return to work at the Convention Center with his newfound mobility. He says that many people count on him there and they had to prepare for the large Earth Day celebration on April 22. Tomas is eager to try out his new hip at work and play with his grandchildren. He can’t wait to show everyone how well he can walk!